Who we are

We are not your regular CPA.

We know that taxes are deeply personal, complex, and can vary case-to-case, year-to-year. You require a team that understands how to match your unique needs with the best tax outcome.

Trust the team that knows how to tax for you.

Where did the name Palmettos and Prickly Pears come from? This video shares the history behind the unique name choice.

taxes as bold as you


taxes as bold as you >>

why we stand out against the rest:

  • Two spiny, yet beautiful symbols that encompass two of the main elements that make up our brand ethos. 

    Survivors and stand-outs against harsh environments. Defining their place and representing the unique areas where they thrive; the beaches of Charleston and the plains of Texas.

    Our brand combines the rugged, adventurous spirit of the west Texas plains with the laid-back beachy vibe of the Charleston, South Carolina coast.  Two iconic lifestyles, both serving as the backdrops for some of the hardest-working, innovative business owners and go-getters out there.

  • We take this adventurous spirit and apply it to how we serve our clients.  We start by getting to know who they are and what drives them.  Then we work on finding creative and innovative ways to support their lofty goals.  

    When challenges arise, we don't shy away from facing them head-on, taking the road less travelled and carving a path toward success. 

    Our experience and hard-won business instincts equip us with a deep, wide tool kit to win against the odds.  

  • While we are not afraid of a challenge, reactivity is not our default method.  As seasoned adventurers and outdoors-people, we always start the smart way, and that is to minimize risk by planning for the road ahead.  

    We assess the risks, equip ourselves and our clients with the insight, tools and regular support they need for the journey they choose.  We remain at their side, ready with our guidance and experience, because planning ahead and being proactive means a better outcome and less risk long term.

  • If you are a business owner or individual making bold choices on the path to success, we are here for you with tax support from all vantage points.  If you find yourself navigating the treacherous terrain of an audit or other tax(ing) challenges, we’re here to guide you safely back to solid ground.


the path to success begins here


the path to success begins here >>